Participation InnoTrans 2022 Globiz Inc.

BERLIN, GERMANY – InnoTrans, the leading international trade fair for rail transport technology, is held in Berlin every two years, providing a platform for exploring and experiencing the present and future of the global railway industry. The exhibition is distinguished from others by offering the opportunity to see and directly experience actual railway vehicles on site. The latest InnoTrans event was held from September 20 to 23, 2022.

Globiz participated in INNOTRANS to promote its rail vehicle diagnostic system technology for condition-based maintenance and to pave the way for overseas exports, aiming to boost its export performance. The company successfully demonstrated its technology by manufacturing and shipping an exhibition simulator to effectively showcase the compatibility and technical prowess of its key product, the wireless axle bearing sensor module. The demonstration of a fault detection on a simulator, which was equipped with an actual faulty bearing, drew considerable attention.

Prior to the exhibition, Globiz was known as the only Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) company domestically, but had no international recognition. Post-exhibition, the company’s international recognition has improved, thanks to the promotion through visitors from companies in India, Japan, China, Chile, Greece, and Poland.

Representatives from railway industry companies in India, Japan, China, Poland, and Greece visited and held discussions. In the case of India, very specific amounts and requirements were discussed, and they requested Globiz’s quote and technical data. They also asked to visit the local company within this year, presenting an opportunity to sell Globiz’s products in one of the largest markets in the world, India.

Globiz plans to finalize actual export contracts by the end of 2023, using the markets opened through its participation in InnoTrans. Based on these export results, the company plans to participate in InnoTrans 2024 to further expand its market.