On the Scene at AusRAIL PLUS 2019

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – The AusRAIL Plus 2019 event took place in Sydney, Australia, from December 3rd to December 5th. Hosted by the Australasian Railway Association, AusRAIL Plus 2019 is the largest event held biennially in Australia, sponsored by major industry associations including the Australasian Railway Association.

▲ View of AusRAIL Plus 2019
The event attracted over 7,000 participants, including more than 450 exhibitors. In addition to a wide range of large-scale conferences and exhibitions, opportunities for interaction and communication between visitors and participating companies were provided.

▲ Early Detection System for Car Top Defects displayed at the Globiz Co., Ltd booth
At AusRAIL Plus 2019, Globiz Co., Ltd introduced its ‘Early Detection System for Car Top Defects.’ This system, known as the ‘Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) System,’ is a technology that detects risks within railway vehicles early on and prevents accidents in advance. This system plays a significant role in reducing maintenance costs by establishing a condition-based maintenance system.

▲ Visitors showing interest in the Early Detection System for Car Top Defects
Visitors from both domestic and overseas showed interest in Globiz’s CBM system at the exhibition. They responded positively, expressing, “You can feel the product is completed through a very detailed process,” and “I’m glad to be here to see this kind of technology.”

▲ CEO Jong Soon Lim of Globiz Co., Ltd with employees of partner companies