“2019 Busan International Railway Technology Industry Exhibition, Globiz Inc. Exhibits Early Detection System for Vehicle Defects”

The 2019 Busan International Railway Technology Industry Exhibition was held from June 12th to 15th at BEXCO in Busan. The Busan International Railway Technology Industry Exhibition is the only railway-related professional exhibition held in Korea. This exhibition was the largest ever held, featuring railway vehicles, electric vehicles and track structures, related infrastructure, interior and exterior materials, electric power, signaling and communication equipment, station automation equipment, and level crossing devices.

▲ 2019 Busan International Railway Technology Industry Exhibition

▲ Hyundai Rotem’s exhibition booth featuring the EMU-250 model and the Early Detection System for Vehicle Defects
Hyundai Rotem, a key participant in the exhibition, showcased futuristic railway technologies, including the CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) system developed by Globiz Inc. In March, Hyundai Rotem signed an MOU with Globiz, which possesses technology to systematically collect, process, and analyze big data from railway vehicles.
(For more information on the MOU signing, please refer to http://globiz.kr/post9/)

▲ A display of the Early Detection System for Vehicle Defects and a visualized UI based on it

▲ Visitors showing interest in the Early Detection System for Vehicle Defects installed in the EMU-250 (actual rolling stock)